You've spent hours in the garage tuning and tweaking. You've tested the output and pushed your car to the limits. But what happens the second someone slams into you at 100mph?
At Bald Spot Sports, we’re proud to provide the racing enthusiast with the ultimate in protection when it comes to racing seat technology. Just like our top-of-the-line custom seats, every Creafoam Seat Kit comes with revolutionary Creafoam beads designed to be one of the most efficient energy management foams available.
On average, Creafoam beads provide 4 to 6% more energy management capabilities than standard expanded polystyrene (EPS) beads that are currently found in other seat kits offered throughout the world.
If you're looking for strength, the insulating and cushioning qualities of Creafoam provide:
*High-temperature resistance
*Excellent energy absorption
*Dimensional stability
The bottom line? You're covered. Creafoam combines quality design versatility with today's demand for lightweight force-resistant foam products.
Go ahead. Order your kit today and drive like a pro.