Indianapolis, Indiana – Bald Spot Sports, LLC, [BSS] announces the receipt of its second United State Patent (US No. 7350812) for a Vehicle Passenger Restraint [VPR](or foam racing seat) and method of production.
This technically enhanced foam racing seat system, also invented by Alan Lewis, president of Createc Corporation, protects the method of producing a beaded foam seat designed to absorb impact forces before they can act on the body of a race car driver during collision. This patent represents technical enhancements to the previous United State Patent held by BSS (US No. 6733710).
Seats identified by the patent are manufactured using technology exclusive to BSS and
molded from two enhanced specialty foams, CreasorbTM and CreafoamTM, provided to BSS
for racing seat production through a design alliance with Createc Corporation.
The recing seat system surrounds the driver/passenger, is custom fit to their specific body characteristics, and holds them in place during an impact. By limiting the movement of the driver/passenger relative to the vehicle during an impact, incidents of injury are greatly reduced. The BSS racing seat system continues to deliver greater tested and proven force deadening properties than a standard generic expanded polystyrene seat offered by many of the competitors.
The main shell of the BSS patented system is manufactured out of CreasorbTM foam, which has greater elasticity, allowing it to absorb impact and return to its initial shape with greater integrity. Areas can be carved out of the neck and back areas of the elastic seat to create areas for foam stability plugs to be inserted. The CreafoamTM plugs are designed to offer maximum stability and force deadening during a single impact.
Conventional race seats absorb force on initial impact cand compact when it happens,
causing a loss of future force absorption properties. After an impact, the compacted foamplugs in the new BSS racing seat system can still be removed, discarded, and replaced. This allows the seat to be usable for multiple impacts with both elastic foam reduction properties while still maintaining greater stability on the driver/passengers spine. Lewis has licensed the exclusive manufacturing technology outlined in the patent to BSS for 20 years.